Who can become a member of the P&C?
P&C membership is open to parents and guardians of pupils attending the school and to all citizens within the school community. You may join as a member at any time, however membership does not become ‘active’ until the close of the next general meeting of the association.
Do P&C Associations charge a membership fee?
Yes. Each P&C Association has an annual subscription (membership fee) payable for those individuals who meet the membership criteria. Annual membership is currently $2.00.
What are the advantages of membership?
A financial member is able to participate in the democratic decision making processes, including voting at P&C meetings. They can also be nominated and accept the nomination for any position for Officer Bearer or member of the Executive Committee
Is the Principal a member of the P&C Association?
Yes. The Principal is always a member by virtue of their role as an ex officio member.
How long is my membership fee valid for?
Once annual subscription (membership fee) is paid and the register of members is updated, your membership remains current until the rise (close) of the next Annual General Meeting.
How do I become a member?
There a many ways to become a member
You can attend a P&C meeting and join in person
By completing the below membership form and submitting with $2.00 via the P&C Box located in the school office.’ download the Rainbow Street Public School P&C Membership Form
Or simply join online here
For the full list of rules around P&C Membership, please see HERE.